Almost everybody knows that when a PC is having a slow performance, in most cases it is due to some problems with the Windows Registry. These problems slow down your computer significantly, because Windows needs more time to load, search, and read data from the Registry. But fortunately, SLOW-PCfighter is a very useful tool that is able to solve this problem easily, after just a couple of clicks.
This simple yet powerful application has an easy-to-use interface wherewith you will be able to search for errors and repair them with just some clicks of your mouse. It is not necessary to be an advanced and experienced user to clean your Windows Registry, the application will perform almost all the necessary tasks to restore your PC performance.
Besides, if for any reason you face some problems after the cleaning process, you will be able to restore a previous backup of your Windows Registry. Those backups are saved before any changes are made, so you won't have any problem if something goes wrong.
Moreover, another interesting feature included in this application, is a startup manager. This tool will easily let you select which programs will automatically start with when Windows is loading.
Comments (3)
I'm using OFFICE 2003 since 5 years ago. Some months ago I tried the 2010 version thanks to a free edition of 90 days, but I faced a big disappointment due to the symbols not quite ease to use. Note that I use the symbols very frequently due to my current job particularly dedicated to an old greek dictionary. As matter of fact the symbols in the recent edition of 2007 and 2010 as well are located in the right, and so the user must spent much time to reach the box showing the symbols. On the contrary the old edition 2003 shows the box symbols in a quite easy location which makes the operation very fast and easy to the user. In order I could be better assisted by the software, I tried the OpenOffice, but unfortunately I faced one more problem: it is not possible to enlarge the box of symbols just like does. Any comments or suggestion? Many thanks for the helpful suggestions.
Vittorio Todisco, Taranto, Italy
the Microsoft Office
This is what is says: Microsoft windows. Slow-pcfighter has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop
working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. close program.
The program stops always in the Program genvej (2 found).
I will be very happy if you could find out what is causing this trouble.
All the best to you all.
Fridrik Agust Palmason.